GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #15 | Page 2

HITCHING UP WITH MAX TAYLOR TECH WISE Like you, I remember the days of telephones with rotary dials and when the Apple II was the height of personal computing technology. Today, as I write I’m keeping in touch with the office from Queensland via a modern laptop connected to the internet via the hotspot on my phone. The marvel of modern technology, a marvel that has broadened our ability to confidently explore Australia, whether with our partners, families, or even by ourselves. If nothing else, it has allowed the sharing of our wisdom. How do I replace the anode on my Suburban hot water heater? Is the D-Max really a good tow vehicle? Whatever the problem, answers are only a few clicks away. Overwhelmingly, this is a great thing. One danger, however, is the temptation to become so wrapped up in what’s happening online that we miss out on the real world. Take, for example, a fellow I met at the top of New South Wales. He was so busy filming the sunset on his phone, which was set-up on its own little tripod, that he missed the whole thing. No doubt, his video was a shareable Facebook post, but I doubt he’d remember the experience beyond the amount of times the post was ‘liked’. Now, it’s time to close this laptop – the sun is sparkling on the Queensland ocean. 2 gorv.com.au MANAGING EDITOR Max Taylor SALES DIRECTOR Grant Manson - 0417 052 819 NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Ashley Manson - 0438 051 354 VIDEOGRAPHER/EDITOR James Manson PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Adriana Manson GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Rob Mangoni + Will Blazejewski WEB DESIGNER Darcy McDonald PRODUCED BY GoRV Pty Ltd www.gorv.com.au Cameron Damon Media www.camerondamon.com.au EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES   info@gorv.com.au