GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #23 | Page 2

HITCHING UP WITH MAX TAYLOR FIND US ON FACEBOOK SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM MANAGING EDITOR PARKING UP Max Taylor SALES DIRECTOR Grant Manson - 0417 052 819 Phew! We’re only one month into 2019 and I’m ready for another break. Yes, we have well and truly hit the ground running at GoRV HQ following a beachside break where my family and I caught crabs, body-surfed, ate a lot of icy poles and, when the kids were tucked up in the van, drank our share of Irish whiskey well into the night. We hope your festive season was as festive as ours! As RVs continue to grow in size, features, comforts and self-sufficiency, we have been wondering what the future is for holiday parks around Australia. In some sectors of the vanning community, parks are looked down on. Personally, I reckon they play a vital role in our lifestyle. We can argue whether or not the facilities a park offers are worth the per-night price, or whether it’s fair that you are ‘charged’ for resort-style facilities you won’t use, when all you want is somewhere to pull over for the night. But as much as we enjoy freedom-camping, parks offer a welcome, family-friendly respite. For many travellers, the holiday park is a destination in its own right. In this issue, we’ve attempted to make their case and we welcome some sensible debate. What do you see as the future for holiday parks? Let us know at info@gorv.com.au NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Ashley Manson - 0438 051 354 VIDEOGRAPHER/EDITOR James Manson PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Adriana Manson GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Rob Mangoni + Will Blazejewski WEB DESIGNER Darcy McDonald WWW PRODUCED BY GoRV Pty Ltd www.gorv.com.au WWW Cameron Damon Media www.camerondamon.com.au EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES   info@gorv.com.au 2 \