GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #37 | Page 18

10 US APP EMERGENCY PL also highly Dee and Ian McCridle ers download the recommend that all RV to their free app Emergency+ smar tphones. ped by Australia’s This app was develo d various emergency services an stry partners. It government and indu functionality to uses the phone’s GPS r provide critical help a Triple Zero calle d to mobilise location details require In an instant, the emergency services. latitude and app will provide your s. longitude coordinate a satphone or have You should still carry gency other means of emer ever, as mobile communication, how tside of major coverage is scarce ou ntres. You might be towns and regional ce ’ call, but that’s not able to make an ‘SOS always guaranteed. p is free, why not However, since the ap just save your life. download it? It might 11 HATCH HANDLE S e showed us one of Joy Hart of Melbourn and her husband the modifications her a beauty. They have made… and it’s e door handles simply purchased som e and screwed them from a hardware stor external hatch doors. to the outside of the e of the common Their hatch doors wer ey can be removed ‘push button’ style. Th rated into two from the van and sepa . This meant that halves, as I discovered put back together, when the doors were screw heads – the you couldn’t see the finish was seamless. that protrudes When fitting anything van, be mindful from the sides of your can not exceed that the overall width e handles did not 2.5m. In this case, th ed these cause the van to exce hich are set down in dimensional limits, w n Rules. the Australian Desig