GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #49 | Page 23

Caravans are inherently unstable objects , with an unsteered coupling up front and a wheel set way back on the trailer . Yes , they are safe if loaded and towed appropriately . However , their stability is also determined by the tow vehicle ’ s ability to control it as well as the prevailing weather and road conditions . In short : it does not necessarily take much for a towing combination to become unstable .
Whether or not to use the right-hand lane to overtake traffic is , therefore , impossible to answer . Like most things in life , it comes down to judgement .
In my own experience , I would prefer to stick to the left lane on a freeway and travel a little slower rather than risk an overtaking manoeuvre at 100km / h . With their high sides , which can catch the wind of a passing truck or be subjected to other dynamic forces , caravans are not designed to be handled frivolously .
This is not to say overtaking is never possible . Again : your judgement as the driver is all-important .
One thing I quickly learned when towing for the first time was that I needed to cater for an increased braking distance . It ’ s not unusual for a fully-loaded van to weigh more than the tow vehicle , and if you ’ ve ever felt your van ‘ pushing ’ your tow vehicle as you depress your brake pedal , you ’ ll know the importance of correct braking when towing .
If your van weighs more than 750kg , it will have its own braking system ( either electric or override , depending on the weight of the van ), but it will still never pull up as quickly as an unhitched car .
Incidentally , I was travelling on the Pacific Highway a number of years ago , somewhere on the mid-north coast of New South Wales , when the traffic in front came to a sudden stop . I hit the anchors . Had I not maintained a larger gap , aware of that increased braking distance , and had I not had the van ’ s electric brakes adjusted correctly , I have no doubt that I ’ d have rear-ended the Honda Civic in front .
Clip-on extension mirrors will vastly improve your rearward vision when towing , but may need adjusting from time to time .
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