GoRV - Digital Magazine Issue #51 | Page 18

Using a daily meal planner to calculate the right quantity of food for the number of days you ’ ll be staying will definitely help . Remember to consider the extra weight being carried .
Food storage : The less you need to rely on refrigeration for longer stays , the better . Foods designed for long-term storage are naturally ideal for this . You can vary your choices by using canned meals , vacuum-sealed products , dry packaged foods , and ingredients that can be cooked in camp ovens .
Store leftovers in vacuum-sealed containers to increase their shelf life . Spending time planning your meals in advance is well worth it , as you won ’ t have to pack up and move on because you ’ re hungry !
A couple of solar panels will help keep the power topped up
Power : It will come as no surprise to find your power needs are determined by what you ’ ll be doing and what you ’ ll be using . If you consistently need to run appliances on 240V , you ’ ll need a generator and fuel ( provided there are no restrictions where you ’ re staying ). Alternatives such as 12V power , batteries , solar panels , MPPT regulators , and DC-DC chargers will go a long way towards satisfying your needs . You ’ ll also need to spend some time monitoring and calculating your power needs and usage , so it ’ s wise to have some onboard diagnostics or a multimeter at the very least .
Gas : Most RVs come with a gas supply – it ’ s just the storage quantity that varies . Gas is economical if it ’ s used wisely and can go a long way when used for cooking and heating water . Use wood for a small campfire or a combustion-style cooker to extend your stay if possible .
Refrigeration : You need to keep things cold , and this process uses a lot of energy if you ’ re relying on gas for a three-way fridge or 12V for a compressor-style . You can increase the efficiency of your fridge by keeping it well packed , cool and well ventilated , and opening it as little as possible . Reduce energy draw by watching temps and adjusting thermostats overnight .
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